
Cost Innovation

Some of established businesses’ most ubiquitous and profitable business models are increasingly being challenged by a new breed of emerging market players. Rather than simply focusing on cut-priced, undifferentiated offerings, emerging country multinationals are deploying their cost advantages in creative ways to deliver high technology, variety and customisation at minimal price premiums, and to redirect niche offerings towards volume segments. This amounts to the emergence of a new type of generic strategy: ‘cost innovation’. Meanwhile, fundamental changes in global market structures are afoot which favour these new business models, and the confluence of these forces is creating a global ‘value-for-money’ revolution. Incumbents will require new types of responses to survive and prosper  but the pre-requisite for any effective response is a shift in mindset about the new business models required to succeed in the future. 

Rrayze professional team review your complete cost structure and provide you the best possible new ideas for cost innovation. This really helps to increase their profitability.

Recruitment Services

We Make Recruitment Simple & 10x Faster

Be a smart employer and do not waste your productive hours in searching the candidates. We provide you the next-gen staffing platform where you can float your job and we will get you the best candidate in the required domain.

We believe in building stronger teams by offering quality candidates. Every candidate has to go through a stringent filtering process and is validated by our experienced recruitment team.

How we solve your hiring problems

Post requirements, sit back and relax while our recruiter chain manages your hiring hassles


You tell us your requirements

Our dedicated recruiter will get in touch with you to understand the hiring needs in detail


Hybrid sourcing model at work

We use both online networks and an offline team of recruiters to source relevant talent


We screen incoming applications

Our advance screening algorithm make sure that candidate quality is maintained


We line them up for interviews

Let us know your preferred time slots, we will arrange interviews & follow up with candidates


Candidates join your organisation

We make sure that selected candidate joins your organisation.

Start the hassle-free journey now!
